
15 Things to know before travel to Zanzibar

Every time before traveling, especially abroad, preparing to learn about a little history in that country before going on a trip helps us to travel comfortably and care about the history of that country. ACU PAY will introduce 15 things to know before visiting Zanzibar, a country of blue sea and white beaches. What is it about? Let’s read this article!

1. Where is Zanzibar?

Many people may have never heard of Zanzibar. Zanzibar is an island in Tanzania in the Indian Ocean. It takes 15 miles to drive a ferry from Dar es Salaam, a city in Tanzania.

2. Zanzibar is an archipelago, not a country

Although Zanzibar is governed by its system, it’s not a country, but a group of islands in the area and is a part of Tanzania.

3. Zanzibar is not an official name

Zanzibar is not the official name of the island. It is a term used to refer to two major islands: Pamba Island and Unguja Island,  referred to informally as Zanzibar Island and it is where the capital city is located

4. Why do we have to visit Zanzibar

Zanzibar is an archipelago of blue sea white sand beaches filled with stories and cultures that have been around for more than 20,000 years, along with nature for tourists to experience. For example, Star Cruise, see rare animals such as red colobus monkeys, dolphins, giant sea turtles, and the paradise island of spices, Stone Town has also been chosen as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

5. How to go to Zanzibar

In many countries, there may not be direct flights to Zanzibar. We can choose to land in Tanzania and then make domestic flights, or take a ferry to Zanzibar.

6. 99% of population in Zanzibar is Muslim

Before you visit, you should know that over 99% of Zanzibar’s population is Muslim and 1% are other religions such as Christianity, Hinduism and so on. So don’t be surprised to walk the streets and hear prayers five times a day.

7. The language used

The language used to communicate in Zanzibar is Swahili, which is the main language of Zanzibar, but it also uses English to communicate. In some places, it also uses Arabic.

8. ‘Jambo’ Zanzibar greeting word

You’ll hear the word “Jambo” often for sure when you go to this island because it’s a Zanzibar and Tanzania greeting, which means “hello” or “How are you?” You can use that word to greet local people in a friendly way.

9. Open the taste buds with various spices.

Back in the 18th century, the East African continent was very famous for spices, and this identity has been passed down to today. Zanzibar itself is known as “The Spice Island” because of its many spices, including black pepper, cinnamon, nutmeg, and clove, allowing tourists to experience the color of the taste on this island.

10. Land of wild animals

This is the birthplace of the red colobus monkey. It can be found only in Jozani National Park. There are also giant turtles on Prison Island, dolphins in Kizimkazi Fishers Village, and bats in Ngezi Forest on Pemba Island.

11. Freddy Mercury’s hometown

Did you know that Zanzibar is the hometown of a famous singer from Queen? Yes, he is Freddy Mercury. Freddy was born in Stone Town in 1940, which was when England ruled Zanzibar. Freddy’s father had to work here, so he brought his family to settle down on this island and is the birthplace of the world’s legendary singer.

12. Plastic bag is banned

In 2009, Tanzania banned plastic in the country, and Zanzibar also banned plastic from entering the island. So when traveling, avoid using plastic bags to preserve the island’s environment.

13. Do not forget your passport

When visiting Zanzibar, be sure to bring your passport with you. Even if your passport is checked in Zanzibar, you must check it again before leaving or entering Zanzibar Island so you should bring it with you just in case.

14. Where to withdraw or exchange money?

Most of the places to withdraw money here are at airports and Stone Town. You’d better withdraw or exchange money in airports to get better rates than outside. Payments can also be made using debit cards with Visa and MasterCard symbols

15. Pay respect to the cultures

Wherever you go, keeping your manners and respect for the area is very important. As Zanzibar is known to be an Islamic country, we should respect the rules of etiquette by dressing in a dress that is not too short or wearing bikinis other than in resorts and beaches and, more importantly, no alcohol drinking in public areas.

And this is all you need to know before you visit the island of Zanzibar, Tanzania. Isn’t it very attractive? You should go and experience it by yourself for once.

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