
5 relaxing activities on Prison Island, a recluse island in Zanzibar

Prison Island, a solitude island amid the blue sea, has become a popular place for tourists to experience nature. It is also a home to Aldabra giant tortoise, one of the largest turtle species in the world. This island does not take much time to travel to. Anyone who would like to know more about activities which can be done on this island should read this content.

History of Changuu Island

Changu Island was first purchased by the British Minister of Zanzibar with the first purpose of using the island to build a prison. The name ‘Prison Island’ also originated from the construction of the island as a prison. In 1860, the island was used as a prison for rebel slaves and was used as a coral mine only for a short period. Then, this place became a detention center for people infected with yellow fever. Today, this place has become a popular tourist attraction with resorts and is also home to the endangered Aldabra giant tortoise.

Watching the giant turtles over 100 years old

Of course, visiting the island means experiencing the exciting atmosphere of feeding giant turtles. The giant turtle weighs over 200 kilograms and is more than 100 years old, the longest-lived animal on Earth.

The island’s turtle origin began in 1919 when the British governor of Seychelles sent four giant turtles from Aldabra Island to Changuu Island. After that, in 1955, the population of giant turtles began to increase rapidly. Until 1996, the island’s giant turtles almost became extinct because they were sold as pets and as food. After that, the government of Zanzibar began to preserve and breed new giant turtles. Until now, giant turtles have returned to normal numbers again.


Coming to the island you have to enjoy sunbathing in the blue sea, and white sandy beach which is very peaceful and not crowded. If you do not feel like sunbathing, you may bring a book to read with the sound of waves which gives you a new way of relaxing.


The ideal activity to bring your family to do when you’re on a trip to the sea is swimming in the sea, where this island has very clear sea water, and we can see the undersea world very clearly.


Another activity that can be done by every gender and every day. This activity allows us to see the amazing undersea world without having to practice diving before. The snorkeling on the island will take us by boat to a coral reef that’s not very deep. After that, we can dive down and look at starfish and explore a variety of colorful fish, enjoying to the fullest of the underwater world on the island.

Walking along the beach

Another romantic activity on the beach is leisurely walking along the beach and exploring the surroundings of the Prison island on a white sandy beach. The island is also a forested area which is the habitat of peacocks, butterflies, and duikers, a brown antelope. It takes about an hour to walk around the island. After you’re done, make sure to stop by and take a picture at the wooden bridge where you can see the entire island at a wide angle.

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