
These problems will disappear if we do not use cash!

With the cash we’ve been using for a long time, many people may not feel there is any disadvantage. However, as the times change, we see more disadvantages of cash. Let’s see what the advantages of cash are.

Fake banknotes or fake money

This is a classic problem that many people may have never experienced. These are the weaknesses of banknote-mediated financial systems. Not every time we check payments, so cash payments are a major business or daily problem.

The banknote is damaged or lost

One of the most common problems that we all face is damaged banknotes, whether we break them ourselves or they are already damaged. Especially if it rains or we forget to take the banknotes out of our pocket pants, it is a waste of time for us to dry them. Even if we unknowingly receive a broken or damaged note that makes it impossible for us to continue spending.

Have no idea where the money came from

Checking expenditure records or calculating expenditures is a very important factor and everything is very expensive at present. Every day, we have to write down or remember how much we spent on or we have spent on. Before we can remember it, we’re either lazy or don’t want to think about it because of the complications that make us not want to think about the costs that are incurred and eventually raise the question, “Where have all the money gone?”

Difficulty in managing and storing

Whether it’s coins or banknotes, no one wants to throw them away or messily store them. However, some situations are too complicated to keep it in the wallet. Some people may leave it in their car or throw it away in their pockets. This leads to the problem of where has our money gone or where the money comes from or you can lose money which is like an increase in spending.

Latent cost

A lot of people may not know how much we have cost. Using our cash each time, we’ll have to go to ATMs or banks which we’ll have to pay for our trips. People close to ATMs or banks may not feel anything about it, but if we stay away, it will cost us a lot more. In other words, handling and transportation costs from the Bank of Thailand to ATMs will cost our country a lot of money.

Giving up cash will not only make us more comfortable with spending but also save us from the problems mentioned above. However, whether you use cash or e-payment, you should also spend it to fit your income or your financial goals.

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